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Book Reccomendation: We Should All Be Feminists By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie


Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has a way with words that is both powerful, yet simple in the way she explains feminism. In the book titled We Should All Be Feminists,  she reminds us that to be feminist is a responsibility of both men and women, a choice to be in favor of what is right or fair, rather than a choice of being opposed to anything masculine. So often, as she explains, to be feminist is described as hating men. Instead, to be feminist is to notice how systemic oppression can in fact favor men in a way that places emphasis on gender in an inequitable distribution of money, power, and the choice of roles we play in society. 

After reading this book, I recommend it because it gives the reader a chance to think about what a happier world looks like when both men and women have access to what makes them happy. Not only are women put into boxes, but so are men. So there is this idea that feminism can bring people together for a common good. 

For more of Chimamanda Ngozi  Adichie,  check our her Tedx Talk here:




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