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Are you an early career psychologist or know someone who is? As a student of counselor education, it is a passion of mine to promote mental health care. One way in which I like to do so, is by researching funding opportunities that can help all professionals in the mental health field. To learn more about these opportunities, visit the American Psychological Association. Connect with me at vdavisbusiness@yahoo.com to learn more about funding opportunities or to receive tips.
Funding Opportunities Listed By The American Psychological Foundation
Credit: https://www.apa.org/apf/funding/grants
APF Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Grant
Up to $1,250 to support innovative work to support research focusing on the understanding, prevention and/or treatment of the consequences of exposure to traumatic events such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, and/or rape.
APF Trauma Psychology Grant
The APF Trauma Psychology Grant seeks to support innovative work to alleviate trauma.
APF Walter Katkovsky Research Grants
The Walter Katkovsky Research Grants support research on the general topic of psychotherapy. Research proposals should be directed to questions and hypotheses designed to improve our understanding based on theory or methods of how psychotherapy promotes behavioral, emotional, or cognitive changes.
APF/Division 29 Early Career Award
$1,000 to recognize promising contributions to psychotherapy, psychology and Div. 29 (Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy) by a division member with 10 or fewer years of postdoctoral experience.
APF/Division 37 Diane J. Willis Early Career Award
$2,000 to support talented young psychologists making contributions towards informing, advocating for and improving the mental health and well-being of children and families particularly through policy.
APF/Division 39 Grant
$7,000 to support efforts in education, research, and service that advance and encourage the field of psychoanalysis.
APF/Division 49 Group Psychology Grant
The APF Division 49 grants support research and scholarly works that further the advancement of group psychology and group psychotherapy.
APF/Division 49 Group Psychotherapy Grant
The APF Division 49 grants support research and scholarly works that further the advancement of group psychology and group psychotherapy.
APF/The Trust Grant in Honor of Eric A. Harris, EdD, JD
$5,000 to support an early career psychologists or graduate student for research or projects in the area of ethics and risk management.
Bruce and Jane Walsh Grant in Memory of John Holland
$18,000 to support the investigation of how personality, culture, and environment influence work behavior and health.
David H. and Beverly A. Barlow Grant
Up to $7,500 to support innovative basic and clinical research on anxiety and anxiety related disorders.
Esther Katz Rosen Fund Grants
Up to $50,000 for work related to the psychological understanding of gifted children and youth.
F.J. McGuigan Early Career Investigator Research Grant on Understanding the Human Mind
$11,500 to support research that aims to address any aspect of mental function (e.g., cognition, affect, motivation) and seeks to understand the mind from both a behavioral and neural perspective.
Frances M. Culbertson Travel Grant
The Francis M. Culbertson Travel Grant supports women from developing countries who are in the earliest stages of their careers.
Henry P. David Grants for Research in Human Reproductive Behavior and Population Studies
$1,000 for work in the behavioral aspects of human reproductive behavior or an area related to population concerns.
Jacquelin Goldman Congressional Fellowship
Up to $90,000 to support a congressional fellow with an interest in policies that affect the psychological development of children.
John and Polly Sparks Early Career Grant for Psychologists Investigating Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED)
Up to $22,000 for research in the area of early intervention and treatment for serious emotional disturbance in children.
APF/Division 54 Lizette Peterson-Homer Injury Prevention Grant
$5,000 for research on the prevention of injuries in children and adolescents through accidents, violence, abuse, or suicide.
Marian R. Stuart Grant
Up to $20,000 to further the research, practice, or education of an early career psychologist on the connection between mental and physical health, particularly for work that contributes to public health.
Robert L. Fantz Memorial Award for Young Psychologists
$1,250 to support careers of promising young investigators conducting scientific research on perceptual-cognitive development and development of selective attention.
Steven O. Walfish Grants
Up to two $2,250 grants are available to graduate students and/or early career psychologists (within 10 years of earning the doctoral degree).
The Drs. Rosalee G. and Raymond A. Weiss Research and Program Innovation Grants
$3,000 to seed innovation through supporting research, education, and intervention projects and programs.
Theodore Blau Early Career Award for Outstanding Contribution to Professional Clinical Psychology
$4,000 to honor a clinical psychologist for professional accomplishments in clinical psychology.
Visionary Grants
Up to $20,000 to seed innovation through supporting research, education, and intervention projects and programs.
Wayne F. Placek Grants
$10,000 to support empirical research from all fields of the behavioral and social sciences on any topic related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender issues
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