Have you ever heard of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer Programs (STTR)? SBIR and STTR programs are competitive programs that encourage domestic small businesses to engage in research and development (R&D) and federal research. If you are an innovative entrepreneur with great ideas for innovative research and technology, please consider participating.
Each year, federal agencies that have R&D budgets that exceed $100 million are required to allocate a percentage of their budget to SBIR. Small businesses get to explore their technological abilities with the incentive for profit through commercialization. Commercialization is the process of managing something for financial gain. The mission of SBIR and STTR programs is to support scientific research and technological innovation to build a strong national economy.
Only U.S. small businesses are eligible. Check out the eligibility guide here: https://www.sbir.gov/sites/default/files/elig_size_compliance_guide.pdf
There Are Three Phases
Phase I. : Establish the technical merit, feasibility and commercial potential. Awards: $50,000 to $250,000 for 6 months for SBIR and 1 year for STTR.
Phase II. : Continue the R/R&D started in phase I. Awards: SBIR and STTR awards are typically $750,000 for two years.
Phase III. Small business will pursue commercialization when appropriate resulting from phase I and II activities. Phase III is not funded. May involve production contracts for products intended to be used by the U.S. government.
To get started find out more about how to fund your idea. Step one is to identify a participating agency interested in your topic area. Step two is to apply to a specific solicitation. https://www.sbir.gov/funding
For more details on the SBIR program contact technology@sba.gov
Additional information about SBIR and STTR programs can be found here: https://www.sbir.gov/sites/default/files/SBA_SBIR_STTR_POLICY_DIRECTIVE_OCT_2020_0.pdf and here: https://www.sbir.gov/sites/default/files/SBA_SBIR_Overview_March2020.pdf
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